2023 Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program
2023 台灣太空事務青年人才選訓計畫

Space, the Final Frontier.

Image credit: NASA

Do you have what it takes to build Taiwan's future in space? Join year 2 of Taiwan's first multi-disciplinary training program organized by the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) to learn about space technology development, applications, policies, law, and business in Taiwan and on a global scale. Get the experience and connections you need to push Taiwan forward into space through government, academia, and business. Gain hands on experience and compete to represent Taiwan as an international representative at the 2023 Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum!你想擔任台灣新一代的多元太空專家嗎?快來報名參加第二屆由國家太空中心主辦的台灣太空事務青年人才選訓計畫!跟太空科技、科學、應用、政策、法律及產業專家學習我們太空發展背景、現況及未來發展,好擔任下一代帶領台灣產官學開拓太空的領袖。學習如何在國際太空會議與論壇擔任我國的代表,並建立跨國合作與連接。從動手實作的太空政策報告競賽更有機會獲選擔任我國出席2023年亞太區域太空組織論壇的國際代表!

Applications for 2023 closed after 23:59 July 1, 2023!


Training Program

Through an intense 4 day course, 30 selected students between ages 18 - 35 will be introduced to a variety of topics to understand the development of public and private space exploration, development, and business in Taiwan and on a global scale.獲選參加本計畫的 30 名 18 - 35 歲學員將會透過一系列為期四天的活動了解台灣及世界太空探索、技術開發與應用、以及產業發展。After an induction ceremony and introductory classes at National Central University, followed by a facility tour held at TASA Headquarters in the Hsinchu Science Park, students will participate in lectures, discussions, hands on analysis and policy formulation on the following modules held simultaneously in northern Taiwan at National Central University and southern Taiwan at National Cheng Kung University:學員在國立中央大學參加開幕典禮、第一期課程並參觀新竹科學園區的國家太空中心衛星整測、飛控設施後將被分發到在北部國立中央大學及南部國立成功大學同步舉行的演講、討論、實作分析與報告彙整的學習模組。學習模組包含:

  • Taiwan and Global Space Technology and Development / 台灣與國際太空科技發展

  • International, Regional, and Taiwan Space Law, Policy and Politics: Connecting Policy and Application / 國際、區域、與台灣太空法與政策推動

  • Developments, opportunities, and strategies for the New Space Economy / 新太空產業發展、商機與策略

Each module will consist of one day of instruction, with the first portion geared towards general introduction and preliminary analysis and discussion. Students will compile and report white papers on the introduced topics on the second portion, following feedback and discussion with invited experts.每一個學習模組各進行一天。第一部分會由領域專家進行概論介紹並帶動初步討論。第二部分學員將報告針對該主題彙整的白皮書,並且與專家討論、取得反饋。Students will present a final space policy and business strategy report at the commencement ceremony to be held at National Cheng Kung University on the final day of instruction. Graduating students will receive a Young Space Professional Certification, and will be elegible for free registration and attendence of the 2023 Taiwan International Assembly of Space Science, Technology, and Industry. At least four students will be selected to represent Taiwan at the 2023 Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) to be held in Indonesia from 19 September to 22 September.學員將個別或分組彙整最後的太空發展、政策、與商業報告,並且於最後一天在國立成功大學舉辦的結業式發表。所有結業的學員將獲得太空事務青年人才證書,並獲得免註冊費參加 2023年台灣太空國際年會(TASTI)。本計畫將選出至少4名學員進行第二期課程,並代表我國參加 2023 年 9月19 - 22 日在印尼舉行的亞太區域太空組織論壇(Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum,APRSAF)年會This program is free for selected applicants. Transportation and lodging are not included.本活動免學費,但不包含學員交通、住宿。

When and Where 活動日期與地點

19, 20, 21, 27 July, 2023.2023年7月 19, 20, 21, 27 日。


Application Information

Eligibility 報名資格

  • Age 18 - 35. Active students and graduates both accepted. / 18 - 35 歲的在學或已畢業生

  • All fields of study welcome. Enthusiastic about space exploration, policy, and business. Committed to full participation and delivering the required reports. / 多元背景(系所不拘)對太空有興趣且有決心全程參與完成報告者。

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English. / 英文聽說讀寫能力。

  • To ensure the diversity of accepted applicants, past Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program participants are not eligible to re-apply for this year's program as students. Other forms of participation will be avaliable for past graduates to ensure continued engagement with this year's program. / 為了增加新學員的參加機會,恕不接受過去已參加過台灣太空事務青年人才選訓計畫的學員再次申請。本計畫會讓過去已結訓的學員以其他形式參加今年的計劃。

How to Apply 報名方式

This program shall accept 15 applicants each for both the northern and southern Taiwan schools. Applications accepted between May 15 - July 1, 2023. Applicants may indicate their order of preference for location, but final assignment depends upon avaliability. Selection criteria includes applicant's demonstrated interest and enthusiasm for space-related affairs, relavant academic, government, media, or industry experience, leadership and analytical skills, as well as ability in policy formulation and international dialogue. Accepted applicants will be notified by email with additional programmatic information. The application window closes at 23:59 July 1, 2023. Due to the limited review time, no extensions or waivers can be granted, including for incomplete submissions.本計畫北部及南部將各收15名學員,並且以選志願的方式進行分發。主辦單位會盡力配合學員的志願順序分法,但因為名額有限無法保證能夠完全配合。報名日期為 5 月 15 日至 7 月 1 日。審查條件為申請者對太空主題的興趣與認知、相關產官學媒體經驗、領導與分析能力、以及擔任政策領袖與國際代表的能力與勝任程度。獲選報名者將以 email 及郵寄的方式通知相關活動資訊。報名7月1日23:59截止。因為審查時間有限,逾時停止接收所有的申請資料及補件。

Application Materials 報名文件

Fill out the information requested in the following application page. Upload the following documents where indiciated on the page:

  • Transcript from highest level of education. / 最高學歷成績單。

  • Letter of recommendation from a relevant teacher, advisor, or supervisor. / 與您熟悉的師長或工作主管的推薦函。

  • Three slides (converted to PDF format) introducing yourself, what role you want to play in advancing Taiwan's role in space, and what professional strengths you can contribute in this regard. / 三張投影片(轉 PDF 格式)自我介紹、說明您對台灣太空發展希望扮演的角色、以及您在這方面可以貢獻的專業能力。

  • Any other relevant supporting documents, professional certifications or qualifications (combined into one file). / 其他相關有幫助的文件、證照、或證明(彙整成一個檔案)。

  • Proof of your date of birth, such as a copy of your government issued ID card, passport, residence permit, or driver license. / 出生年月日證明文件影本,如:身分證、護照、外僑居留證、駕照。

  • Due to TASA regulations, we are unable to accomodate applicants for the TASA tour who are nationals of the People's Republic of China. / 因為國家太空中心場地規定,本計畫恕無法接受中港澳籍學員參觀國家太中心。

Experience Sharing 第一屆學員經驗交流

Are you curious about what it is like to participate in the Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program? Graduates of the first class in 2022 are accepting questions from interested applicants on their experiences in the 2022 program and will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Please submit your questions to the Taiwan Space Generation at this site before June 1. Please note that this Q&A is solely limited to experience sharing. Please refer all questions related to application procedures and requirements to TASA or the point of contact at the bottom of this page.你會好奇台灣太空事務青年人才選訓計畫究竟是什麼樣的活動,參加了可以獲得什麼嗎?2022年第一階畢業的學員很樂意分享自己參加的經驗,回答大家這方面的疑問。歡迎在6月1日前在臺灣太空世代粉專下的表單登錄想提出的疑問. 本問答單純以分享過去學員經驗為主,流程問題請直接聯絡TASA與主辦單位。

Taiwan Young Space Professionals Program

聯絡人:楊登詅活動信箱:Click to E-mail聯絡電話:(03)422-7151, ext: 65784

Copyright © 2023 Taiwan Space Agency.
National Central University. National Cheng Kung University. © All rights reserved.